The American English slash (/) is a punctuation mark. In the early modern period, in the Fraktur script, which was widespread through Europe in the Middle Ages, one slash(/) represented a comma, while two slashes (//) represented a dash.
With the wide use of computers, slash appeared far more than at any previous time in history. On Unix-like systems and in URLs, the slash is to separate directory and file components of a path:
But in Windows systems, it uses (\) to separate directory and file components of a path:
That really confuses me. Could you help me to judge if the string I wrote is right.
Please notice that I would only make a mistake by changing (\) to (/) or (/) to (\). All the strings were constituted by a-z, A-Z, 0-9, (.) , (\) and (/), no other characters would appear in the strings.
A string of URL always begins with “[a-zA-Z]+://” (Notice (/) maybe changed to (\) ), in which “[a-zA-Z]+” represents any non-empty string of letters.
Windows path begins with “[a-zA-Z]:\” (Notice (\) maybe changed to (/)), in which “[a-zA-Z]” means an English letter. (e.g. “C:\\windows” is a URL not a Windows path)
The path of Unix-like system begins with (/) or (\).
I’ll give you some strings, can you tell me which type those strings belong to and those correct forms.
4 http:/\ \home\whuacm\Slash\yama Z:\movie/chaeyeon
\n \n \n \n \n
It's a URL! It's a URL! It's a path in Unix-like systems! /home/whuacm/Slash/yama It's a path in Windows system! Z:\movie\chaeyeon
· · \n \n · · \n \n · · · · · \n \n · · · · · \n \n